Major Reasons Behind Spouse Visa Refusal

If you are facing a spouse visa refusal and want to know how to get rid of this typical situation then you are in the right place. Refusal word gives tension in everyone’s mind.

Why Was Your Spouse Visa Denied?

Such issues may be avoided or lessened by taking the time to finish the procedure. So, do not worry about anything, below down we have discussed the major reasons behind spouse visa refusal.

Rejection Based On Eligibility

Hence it is critical to include lots of current data with your applications to demonstrate that you have met your spouse and have made a proper preparation to live together.

Does Not Matching Up With Income Approaches

Individuals seeking a spouse/partner visa must fulfill the stringent economic positions. According to the cash obligations, the participants must earn a cumulative annual salary of at least £18,600.

Denial Because Of Validity

– It is critical that you fill out each appropriate item on your application form therefore every box you check is accurate considering your conditions.

What To Do If Your Spouse’s Visa Is Denied?

It will guarantee that your matter is thoroughly reviewed and that the burden of replying to the Office and complying with the appeals procedure is lifted from your head.

Terminating Point

We have discussed some major reasons behind spouse visa refusal by grabbing this material you can easily understand the matter of getting a refusal.